Monday, December 12, 2011

Winter Wonderland

        For students, the semester is finally coming to a close. Months of hard work are finally paying off, and it is finally time for a break, at least for a little bit. It's time to make the most of the season, maximizing your time to do everything you planned on doing. Whether it is Christmas shopping, spending time with your family and friends, or just catching up on your favorite TV shows you missed because you were too busy with school.
         This past month of slaving away at school, has also secretly involved a large amount of doodling and plotting my plans for winter break. I have about 10 lists, scattered through my school notebooks of what I need to accomplish over break. Here are some of the things I am looking forward  to doing:

1. Shopping
It is not just Christmas shopping this year. I am also shopping for my new apartment, which as of now, is honestly overshadowing Christmas a little bit. I get the keys to my apartment January 2nd. I have the place entirely to myself, which means I need to supply everything.
I have small Christmas gifts for my mom, dad, and sister all picked out. As for the rest of my friends, I think we are agreeing to save the time and money spent on Christmas gifts, for something we can do together later, like traveling together.
As for the apartment, I have a pretty large list of things I still need to buy. Everything from pillows, to new sheets, to silverware and cleaning supplies. But though the list is long, I think shopping for your own place is really fun. Every item I pick up, I imagine different scenarios in my head of using it in my new place. Over break, I am planning on plenty of Target trips.
Love this apartment. I am looking forward to decorating my apartment on my own. It's a little scary though. 
2. Hanging out with my friends
During the school year, it's hard to find time for all of my friends to meet up. Since we all are at different schools right now, and have different schedules, we rarely can all get together. Over break, we finally have some time to get together and have some fun. I am looking forward to spending Christmas and New Years with my friends and catching up on all the things we've missed. But most of all, I am looking forward to spending time with them in my apartment. I will turn up the heat and make it the perfect cozy retreat in the cold weather. I am looking forward  to all the giggling and girl talk.
3. Cooking
I am always too busy to cook anything when I am working and going to school. I also don't own my own oven. When I move out, not only will I have about 15 days of free time once I move in, I will also have my own kitchen. I am going to try and attempt to make everything from tasty dinners, to homemade desserts, to fun drinks.
Martha Stewart's Gingerbread cheesecake, yum!
4. Catching up on my Entertainment
Music- Music is one thing that can always change a mood. Nothing is better than some classic Frank Sinatra or even some holiday music. I am really behind on my music, and haven't updated anything for several months. I am ready to spend hours finding and downloading some new (or old) music to get me through the long winter.
Movies- I am really behind on my movie watching. Not only is it about time to re-watch my favorites, it is also time I watch all the movies I am been waiting to see. Finally I have the time to totally unwind and get lost in a few movie worlds.
This sounds so fun to watch with my friends while it is snowing outside.

What are you planning on doing over your break?